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"We Get Some High Class Mail"

I'm going to show you an example of the classy email we get from intelligent people. 
I have never sent this guy anything in my life. 
I don't know him and I don't want to, 
but I will say he has a perfect email name: "Uncle Turkey". 
If you want his full email address, I'll send it to you, 
if you promise to harrass him. 

Here is his letter, composed on a paper bag with a brown crayon: 

"I will have you know this e-mail address is connected to the are 
a will be suspended from the will never have e-mail any 
longer because we are sick of your stupid disgusting get a life you 
******* and we will have you arrested at aproximately 9:30 p.m..." 

I've got about two hours. 

Copyright © July 26, 2001 by Jack Blanchard. All rights reserved.


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